Winter Bat Hibernation Survey – Ribble Valley

As part of an ongoing housing scheme, a former Mill in the Ribble Valley area was planned to be demolished, to make way for a modern housing solution. As part of the project JCA were contracted to complete a winter bat hibernation survey to ensure that the demolition if the existing building would not destroy a bat habitation.

JCA spent the winter of 2017 surveying the structure for hibernating bats. A survey completed in the summer of 2017 had confirmed that the structure was home to a number of species of bat roosting within the walls so it was expected that the building could be used by hibernating bats.

The team at JCA carried out winter bat hibernation surveys throughout winter 2017. The structure searched from top to bottom over this period, using endoscopic cameras and acoustic data gathered using Anabat detectors.

The survey concluded that there were no hibernating bats within the property, therefore only a licence for summer roosting bats had to be applied for.

If you think you may need a winter bat hibernation survey or any type of bat survey, please check out our page on bats for further information.

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